Deal with Burnout like a Hermit Crab

Hey Everyone! Bret here! Do you find yourself constantly searching on Google for “Best Ways To Make Passive Income”, or “How To Become Wealthy and Retire Early”? Yeah…that was me. My 9-5 work day would drag on, then lunch would come and I would scramble to find ways out. Anything to have some more freedom and not have to be “On” all the time. That lunch hour always seemed much faster than the rest of the time there. I knew I needed to find a way out. I did some soul searching; working on myself, and trying to figure out what it is that really got me excited about life. Investing, revenue generation, real estate, crypto, all of it…I couldn’t get enough, but I had the issue of not having the time during my day to dig through the details and really dive in. I wanted somewhere to turn to for advice, guidance, or even just a place for tips and tricks. I couldn’t find it. So, we made one. Danielle and I have taken a lot of the teachings of some of the best motivators, real estate investors, crypto investors/traders, and general wealth builders; put it all into one big pot, and we are scooping it out into podcast sized bowls for our listeners to eat up! My biggest piece of advice for dealing with burnout is this…GROW THROUGH IT! I’ve been told many times by 9-5er’s that burnout is normal, comes in seasons throughout life, expect it and try to push through. What I believe is that burnout is really just life telling you that you are worth more than where you currently are…it’s time to shed that shell and go find a bigger one to fill out, just like hermit crabs. Growth is inevitable, and quite frankly necessary, when it comes to building the life you’ve always dreamed of. Grow through the burnout. Be the mouse who works so hard to get out that the milk churns to butter and you climb out of the burnout with your head high and your heart full. If you feel like you need a kick start, reach out! Full Disclosure - I currently work a 30 hour/week schedule still treating patients, however, this new schedule has supercharged my emotional well being; which has brought back some serious drive to push forward toward our passive income goals. We are here for our listeners, and we are ready to be the catalyst that you just might need to find that shell to fill out! If anyone tells you to just be happy with what you have, tell them that you’re a hermit crab, you don’t work that way. Happy Shell Hunting!



Some Days You’re The Rockstar; Some Days You’re The Groupie


What works for us.