Finding “Your Person”

You just know it when you know it. You can’t really search for that person as if you were searching for your car keys, or on google for an answer to a question; it’s deeper than that. Finding your person does not have to be a spouse, or someone that you want to live with, or have children with…but it does need to be someone you plan on having in your life for the long haul. In our case, we happened to have the physical attraction that went along with the mental/emotional/spiritual attractions. This person needs to be aligned with you professionally, ethically, and intellectually. They may not necessarily be your love interest or your spouse, but will be a life partner in business/wealth/life building! You will need to search, but in order to search…you need to know where to look!

Finding someone at the bar at midnight on a Saturday night is probably not going to be the person you want to build time/location/financial freedom with…not saying it can’t happen, but just highly unlikely. You need to look in the places that matter most…coffee shops, networking events, business marketing groups…really anywhere where people are actively trying to better themselves. That helps to figure out an easy way to start conversation, figuring out the who/what/where and why they are attending.

Once you have a basic knowledge of this person, you’ll want to dig a bit deeper. Figure out things such as their short term goals, their long term goals, and how they plan to get there. Are their answers off the wall, or are they realistic. Does their plan seem like a long shot, a movie script, or a fiction book? If so…NEXT! We want you to find someone that has the “IT” that you’re missing…the puzzle piece that fits the empty spot. If you have the “IT” that they’re missing, and they have what you need, this is a partnership in the making!

Lastly, we believe that the mental/intellectual connection needs to be there as well. Don’t marry yourself to a dreamer but not a doer in the business world. We all love to dream, but there comes a time to wake up and DO IT! If you cannot see this person actually taking action, or having a realistic plan of attack with next steps to get to their goals, you need to make a determination on if they are able to achieve what it is that they’re speaking of.

This is a deep subject…so if you want to chat more about all of this, reach out! We will always do whatever we can to help our listeners, our followers, and of course, we will dive deep into partnerships, teams, etc in our coaching calls!

Til Next Time,

Bret & Danielle


What works for us.


It all starts with a vision…